Sunday, September 21, 2008


As I attempt to put my life back together and begin a new chapter in my life, I am troubled by the fact that I cannot (or will not) escape the Quilter. Please believe me that I am not doing this on purpose, but he will send me text messages everyday! They are usually about some random topic (for example, " I really miss going dancing on Saturday night with you guys!" or Strange little things remind me of you! "). Instead of ignoring them, I usually will respond to those messages and will later feel like shit because I know how he really feels about me. He's like fuckin' Jason from FRIDAY THE 13Th--you think he's dead at the end of the movie, but magically he returns for a sequel. I need to be strong and tell him to go to hell, but I don't. Maybe I like the abuse? God, I hope not....


Wonder Man said...

be strong, you deserve better

Alex said...

You know what to do...SPray him with some Holy Water